American Indians in NC and other states have used meteoritic steel and copper. They forged it in deep pits and used rocks as anvils and hammers .
Some meteoritic steel is better functioning than carbon steel while some are not. The Saddletree Chondrite Meteorite is a knife excellent for knives and would be beautiful for jewelry.
John Lawson ,explorer 1600’s-
“ We lay with these Indians one Night, there being by my Bed-side one of the largest Iron Pots I had ever seen in America, which I much wondred at, because I thought there might be no navigable Stream near that Place. I ask'd them, where they got that Pot? They laugh'd at my Demand, and would give me no Answer”
“ The next day, having some occasion to write, the Indian King, who saw me, believ'd that he could write as well as I. Whereupon, I wrote a Word, and gave it him to copy, which he did with more Exactness, than any European could have done…”